Intuition is always founded on a process. A process that inevitably leads to euprior results.

Defining a search profile

The first stage of the assign­ment is critical for the process. During the initial discus­sions, we establish a precise direc­tion for the new Execu­tive Search project. Based on the defi­ni­tion of duties prepared together with the client and the avai­lable supple­men­tary mate­rial, we compile a written desc­rip­tion of the company, orga­ni­sa­tion and tasks. In this search profile, we also high­light the requi­re­ments set for the ideal candi­da­te’s compe­tence, expe­rience and work-life persona. Finally, we formu­late a search stra­tegy for the assign­ment.

Implementing an Executive Search

We carry out a syste­matic Execu­tive Search process that is based on the requi­re­ments set by the posi­tion in ques­tion and the search profile. Our goal is to iden­tify the persons who meet the formal requi­re­ments for the task and who are poten­tial candi­dates due to their background and expe­rience.

Throug­hout the project, we keep our client informed about our progress and report to them on the various stages of the project.

We contact the indi­vi­duals we have iden­ti­fied as poten­tial candi­dates and chart their inte­rest in the job. After thorough inter­views, we assess their skills in rela­tion to the defined posi­tion desc­rip­tion and the profile of the ideal candi­date.

From the candi­dates we have inter­viewed, we usually select 3-5 of the most suitable ones to present to the client. Based on the inter­views, we compile written reports on these candi­dates, contai­ning a desc­rip­tion of the person: their personal details, educa­tion, work history, profes­sional expe­rience and a summary of their suita­bi­lity for the posi­tion.

Introducing the candidates, reference check and follow-up

We intro­duce the selected candi­dates to our client’s repre­sen­ta­tives while being present ourselves throug­hout the session.

Next, we verify the refe­rences of the candi­dates to delve deeper into their compe­tence, poten­tial and areas of deve­lop­ment. We provide the poten­tial new employer with a clear summary of the candi­da­te’s way of working and a recom­men­da­tion of which details they should pay special atten­tion to.

After this, we verify the refe­rences of the candi­dates selected for further discus­sions and perform further research into their compe­tence, poten­tial and areas of deve­lop­ment. We keep the customer advised on all results of this research.

When needed, we assist the client with the final discus­sions, for example in matters concer­ning the cont­ract of emplo­y­ment.

We follow up on the selected indi­vi­dual’s perfor­mance with both the person them­self and the client’s repre­sen­ta­tive.